

Why was Abraham so important to Jews in World War 2?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: Why was Abraham so important to Jews in World War 2?
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Did Abraham Lincoln free the Jews?

He freed the slaves which was one of the causes of the Civil War in the United States, but he did not free the Jews. The Jews were freed from several concentration camps in Europe during a different war... World War II.

Did the Jews win World War 2?

No, the Jews were not a side in World War 2. The Jews collectively were not combattants.

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Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln

Which war did more people die in World War 1 or World War 2?

world war 2 kid, think about it, Jews, lots and lots of Jews...

Jews died in World War 2?

about 6 million Jews died in all world war 2.

Was there any justice for the Jews after World War 2?

There was a lot of sentiment for Jews after World War 2. Israel was created for Zionist Jews as a result.

What was anti-senitism in World War 2?

Hatred for Jews

What was the population of Jews After World War 2?

Immediately after World War 2 there were an estimated 12 million Jews worldwide.

What race of people had more deaths in world war 2?

Jews. Hitler hated Jews. 6 million Jews died in world war two.

What did the Jews have to with World War 1?

Jews had nothing terribly important to do with World War I. The war was not fought about Jews (even though Jews were part of every involved army from a major power other than the Ottoman Empire). Jews often fought valiantly for their homelands, as diverse as American Jews fighting for the US and German Jews fighting for the German Empire or Second Reich. The only "Jewish" part of the war was the presence of Jewish militias in Ottoman Palestine who assisted the British in liberating that area from Ottoman control.

How was the persecution of Jews significant to the outcome of World War 2?

I don't think the Nazi persecution of the Jews had any bearing on the '''outcome''' of World War 2. The war (unlike the Holocaust) was not about the Jews.

Which countries did Jews migrate to during and after World War 2?

The Jews migrated to Palestine after World War 2.