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because America was too proud to join in and they thought they should remain neutral

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Q: Why was America netrual during World War 1?
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What major countries were netrual during World War 1?

Switzerland, Belgium, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Ireland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Most of South America minus Portugal States, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Persia, etc.

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The United States of America does not have a prime minister. The president is the head of government. During World War I. Woodrow Wilson was the president of the United States of America throughout World War I.

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America helped it's allies during World War 2 by shooting people and stuff. they were smart.

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What groups had new opportunities during world war 2 in America?

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Was there Captain America during the world war 2?

no. there wasn't a captain america during world war 2. there was no time for that. the bombing was more important at those times. I don't even think he even existed then. so no. there wasn't a captain america during the world was 2.

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Did America participate in Olympics during World War 2?

There was no Olympics during World War 2, they were all canceled so no countries participated.

Who was the leader of America during first world war?

woodrow wilson