

Why was Anne Frank's story published?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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11y ago

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Her father wanted her diary published so that the world would know how the Holocaust had affected real people. He wanted readers to know about his young daughter's life: how she tried to make the best of living in fear of being discovered by the Nazis... her will to survive, her sense of humor, her hopes and dreams... everything that happened before she and other family members were finally captured and sent to concentration camps, where they died. He wanted her memory to live on in the story she told, so that people would never forget the Holocaust.

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published it Edit: Mr. Frank lived unlike the others, and he published it.

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It was originally published in Dutch, and has since been translated into just about every language you can name.

Who has Anne Franks diary now?

I think it is in the museum im not sure but late after Anne Frank died they published her diary and you can buy it or get it out from the library

Was anne franks diary is true?

YES ofcourse! her diary got published into a book it is all TRUE!

When did Anne Franks become famous?

She became famous when her dad published the Anne Frank Book. Her book was first published in German and Dutch in 1947 and became an immediate best seller. It was published in French in 1950, and English and Japanese in 1952.

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Anne franks goals were to be an author or a famous journalist

How did Anne Franks diary get to her father?

Anne Frank's diary was left behind in the secret annex where her family hid during World War II. After the war, Miep Gies, a friend of the Franks who helped hide them, found the diary and gave it to Anne's father, Otto Frank, the only member of the family who survived the Holocaust.

What happens to the franks after the war?

anne and margot died at bergen-belsen of typhus. Ms.Frank died at Auschwitz, and Mr. frank survived and published Anne's diary, and then died at 91