

Why was Anne Frank haunted by Hanneli?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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she was haunted by hanneli in her dreams because she was he best friend and she felt bad that she had a good life in hiding and shes not in a consecration camp like hannalie so she felt gulty since she couldn't help

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Anne Frank's best friend was named Hanneli Goslar. They became close friends while living in Amsterdam during World War II, and Hanneli was one of the few people Anne kept in touch with through letters while in hiding.

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They were 4 in a marketplace in Holland. They had both just moved from Holland. They never talked to each other, but that is when they first saw each other. When Hanneli went to school, she saw Anne with a big smile and that is when they first talked to each other.

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Anne Frank's closest friends were Hanneli Goslar and Jacqueline van Maarsen. Hanneli Goslar was a childhood friend from before their time in hiding, while Jacqueline van Maarsen was a classmate and confidante. Both friends later shared memories of Anne and their time together in their published works.

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Anne Frank did not make any specific predictions. She wrote in her diary about her experiences hiding from the Nazis during World War II and her hopes for the future. Tragically, Anne Frank died in a concentration camp before the end of the war.

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November 2, 1942... She died during child birth and the baby did also! :(

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Who are three of Anne franks friends?

Three of Anne Frank's friends were Hanneli Goslar, Jacqueline van Maarsen, and Nanette Blitz Konig. They were all mentioned in her diary and played significant roles in her life during her time in hiding.