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because she was the goddess of love she helped people fall inlove with one another.

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Q: Why was Aphrodite important to Greek society?
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Why is Aphrodite important in Greek society?

Aphrodite is important in Greek society because without no love or beauty there would be not much of a poppulation.

Why is important in greek society?

Aphrodite is important in Greek society because without no love or beauty there would be not much of a poppulation.

Why is Aphrodite very important?

Greek goddess of love !

What society did Aphrodite originate from?

Aphrodite originated from the society of Crete.

What is Aphrodite's Greek name?

Aphrodite IS her Greek name. In Rome she was Venus.

Was Aphrodite a Greek or a Roman and was she male or female?

Aphrodite was Greek and famale.

Who was the greek godness of love?

The Greek goddess (!) of love was Aphrodite.

Who is Aphrodite's equal in Greek mythology?

Aphrodite is Greek. Her Roman counterpart is Venus.

Who was he greek goddess of love?

Eros and Aphrodite

What was Aphrodite's Greek name?

Aphrodite IS her Greek name..Venus is her Roman name

What was the greek god Aphrodite realm?

The Greek goddess Aphrodite was the goddess of love.

Is Aphrodite greek or roman?

Aphrodite is the Greek name and she is the Greek goddess. The Romans just loved Greece and copied aspects of them, renaming Aphrodite to Venus.