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Q: Why was April the giraffe bottle fed as a baby?
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About how much does it cost to buy a month's worth of formula for a 6-month-old baby who is bottle-fed?

about how much does it cost for a months worth of formula for a six month old baby who is bottle fed

Do baby animals at zoos get fed with a bottle like real babies?

Some do, deffinately baby gorrillas.

Will a mother goat still nurse after baby has been bottle fed?

It depends on whether she is still producing milk or not and whether she still has a bond with her kid and how long the kid has been bottle fed.

How are the baby horses fed?

Foals generally nurse from their mother's udder to consume milk. An orphaned foal can be bottle fed milk replacer.

How much does it cost for a month's worth of formula for a 6 month old baby who is bottle fed?

about $200

How much does it cost to buy a month's worth of formula for a 6-month old baby who is bottle fed?

about $200

About how much does it cost to buy a month's worth of formula for a 6-month-old baby who is bottle fed?

yoo mama

Can you give the gripe water to your 13 days old baby?

It should give directions on the bottle. But my question is why baby needs gripe water? Is baby breastfed or formula fed? Have you called the baby's Dr.?

One baby rabbit is not getting fed what do you do?

You should immediately call your local vet and ask them.

How often does a baby pass waste a day?

The amount of bowel movements a baby may have in a day varies...It will depend upon whether the infant is breast fed or bottle fed, and also the age of the baby...Very young and breast fed infants may have several bowel movements in a day and be within normal limits...Older and bottle fed infants tend to have fewer bowel movements in a day and this is also normal. Diet will determine how many bowel movements anyone, including infants, will have on a daily basis.

When should you reintroduce a bottle fed baby goat to its mother?

Five months after you've been bottle feeding your goat slowly feed it less and less a day for 2-3 weeks, the you can reintroduce the not so much of a baby to its mother.

What do you give the baby after they have been weaned off of the bottle?

A baby should be fed baby food in addition to a bottle at 7 months up until a year old. The baby food should be fed after 1 year of age and introduce to adult table food when teeth have started to develop. The table food should be diced up or mixed in a blender with a small amount of water to form a paste. This will prevent a choking hazard.