

Why was Carmen pushed?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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she was pushed because of these 5 bullies the bullies wanted to embrasses her they did it on purpose

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What school did Carmen go to pushed down sewer?

Carmen attended Riverdale High School before being pushed down a sewer in the TV show "Riverdale."

Who got pushed down a sewer?

Carmen Winstead, supposedly

Did Carmen die in the sewer?

Carmen winstead was pushed into the sewer, she had broke her neck and the skin in the face of Carmen winstead was torn off. when the police found her she was dead. the answer is, yes Carmen winstead was dead.

Is there pics of Carmen when she was alive and was not pushed down the sewer?

yes there is, google it

Did Carmen really get the girls that pushed her in?

The story is not real, none of the girls exist.

Did her friends really accidentally push her in the sewer?

no she did not get pushed down a sewer and there is no Carmen windstaed

How long ago was it when Carmen got pushed down the well?

6 years ago

Do you believe in the Carmen winstead story?

I believe that she was pushed down the sewer! I think the story is true!

What were the girls name who pushed Carmen winstead in the sewer?

They never even existed, it is just another urban myth

Are Jessica Smith and Carmen Winstead the same person?

Yes they are the same person and are all a part of an urban legend.

Why did they push camren winstead down a sewer?

The reason they pushed her is because there was a girl named Nicole, and she was jealous of Carmen so she acted nice to Carmen during a fire drill , and Nicole said " I can't here you. Why don't we talk by the construction cones?" And without thinking Carmen said "Okay." When Nicole got her over there she pushed her and said "That's what you get Carmen!!!!" As she was screaming and falling she tried to grab the latter but she broke her neck on it and her face got ripped off. And when the school found out she was dead down there Nicole blamed her friend Stacy. A few moths later Nicole killed her self from the guilt. Stacy was questioned about Carmen and Nicole's deaths, and she showed the police a recording of Nicole yelling "that's what you get Carmen!!!!" And so everyone found out who really knew who killed Carmen Winstead.