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Q: Why was Charlemagne considered a great leader?
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Why was Charlemagne considered a great ruler?

Yes. He made significant contributions to western civilizations. He improved education, government, culture, and was a great (good, strategic, smart) military leader. Also, he conquered Anglo Saxons which were barbarians.

What problems did Charlemagne face?

He had to start ruling without any experience with it and he was conquered by the great leader, Justinian.

Who is considered a divine leader in the past or present?

Alexander the Great is considered a divine leader.

Who is Charles martels grandson?

Charles martel was also knew as Charles the hammer he was a great leader ----------- ^ that did not answer the question. Charles Martel's grandson was Charlemagne.

What are two qualities that made Charlemagne a great king?

I suppose different people would choose different things, but I would say Charlemagne's two most important qualities as a leader were his military ability and his respect for learning and the arts.

Charlemagne deserve the title great Why or why not?

harlemagne Deserves the title of "Great" because he united much of Europe under his rule, he improved many things like education, government, and culture. He was a great military leader.

What did Charlemagne and Otto the great both do?

Charlemagne restored the Roman Empire and Otto the Great restored the German Empire

What is Charlemagne's first and last name?

Obviously Charlemagne's first name is Charlemagne and Charlemagne's last name was Merovingian. His name stood for "Charles the Great"

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Charlemagne, I believe.

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Can you name a great leader?

Abraham Lincoln is considered to be a great leader. He was president during the Civil War and helped to end slavery in the United States.