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Q: Why was Circe powerless against Odysseus?
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In Greek mythology who turned Odysseus's companions into swine?

The witch-goddess Circe She was the sorceress daughter of the sun god Helios and an ocean nymph. She turned half of his men into swine after feeding them cheese and wine. Hermes warned Odysseus about Circe and gave Odysseus a drug called moly which gave him resistance to Circe's magic. Odysseus forced the now-powerless Circe to change his men back to their human form.

What did Circe turn Odysseus' men into?

Circe turned Odysseus' men Into swine.

Where does circe send odysseus when he leaves her home?

circe sends odysseus to the underworld

Does circe give Odysseus a compass?

There is no mention of a compass in Circe's gifts to Odysseus.

Who was the god who warned Odysseus about circe's magic?

Hermes warned Odysseus about Circe's magic.

What is Circe doing when Odysseus first sees her?

Circe was opening the door of her estate for Odysseus.

How did Circe treat Odysseus and his men at first?

Circe turns Odysseus' men into swine.

What is circe's last prophecy to Odysseus?

Circe's and Teiresias' last prophecy to Odysseus is that he alone will survive the journey. They also warn him against harming the sacred cattle of Helios, which ultimately causes the death of his men.

Who asks Odysseus to leave circe?

Odysseus' crew men ask Odysseus to leave Circe's island after a year on her island.

What did circe warn Odysseus and his men?

the dangers that he would face at sea that is what circe warned odysseus.

What did Circe do to half of Odysseus' men?

Circe turned half of Odysseus' men into swine (pigs).

What three perils does Circe warn Odysseus about?

Circe warns Odysseus about the Sirens, Charybdis, and Skylla.