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Becuse of Alejandro Castillo diported all Cubans back to there country

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14y ago

America did not colonize Cuba, Spain colonized Cuba.

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Q: Why was Cuba colonized?
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Did Holland colonize Cuba?

No, Spain colonized Cuba.

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What year was Cuba established?

Cuba was colonized by Spain starting in 1511.

Which country colonized Cuba in the early 1500?


Where Cubans Colonized?

Cuba itself was a colony of Spain so it did not colonize anwhere else.

What country conquered and colonized cuba in the 1500s?

spain, i hope that this answered your question

Who is the Communist leader of Cuba today?

The Arawak and Ciboney Indians. Cuba was discovered by Columbus in 1492 and colonized by Spain in 1511 under the leadership of Diego de Velazquez.

What European power colonized Cuba?

In 1511, Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar set out to colonize Spain. The Spanish remained there until 1898. There was also a 7-years war with the british (1756-1763) where the British occupied Cuba. The Spanish government gave the British Florida, in return of having Cuba without the British soldiers there.

What country was colonized during the spanish american war?

The primary ones were Cuba and the Philippines. Guam and Puerto Rico were also involved. Spain gave up control of Cuba as a result. Spain sold all rights to the other three for $20 million dollars.

Spain colonized Mexico by accident?

Not really. Arawak people from Cuba informed Cortes and his men that a "wealthy country rich with gold" would be located southwest of Cuba. Being a greedy conquistador in search for gold, Cortes began to search for Mexico and its riches by early 1518.

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by the british

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Canada was colonized by France and England.