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It defended itself when it was very small in size and saved many lives during the war

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2w ago

Denmark is considered special for various reasons, including its high quality of life, strong social welfare system, emphasis on sustainability and green energy, and innovative design and architecture. It also has a rich cultural heritage, with a strong focus on art, literature, and music. Additionally, Denmark consistently ranks high in global happiness and quality of life indexes.

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Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark, so you thought correctly. The maps of Denmark actually show it, too. If you don't believe me, go check out a map of Denmark right now.

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Well, like the most countries Denmark has cars and so on. So they travel by car, motorcycle, scooter, metro, bus, cycle, and by train. In Denmark they drive in the right side of the road.

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Hi, we aren't sure what you're asking. Can you restate your question, please?

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Youguys are smarter than me so can u answer it

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a stupid question deserves a stupid answer: Denmark is Denmark who would be stupid enough to ask that question. denmark is a country

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Denmark did not real have an important role in world war 2. The only reason Germany occupied Denmark was because they had a big agriculture and could secure Germany alot of food. Also airports in Denmark where used much. Most of all there was 2 special airports. One in "Aalborg" and one in the very small town of "Randbøldal"