

Why do Germans hate Hitler?

Updated: 8/19/2023
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13y ago

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Just like in any war that is started by way of false means, you cannot

completely control the minds of individuals. The Germans did not want

to be at war. My own grandfather fled Germany just before the war

started. German people are very intelligent and they new what Hitler

was doing was wrong. They were forced to fight by the Nazi's....

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16y ago
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13y ago

To be honest, most people hate Hitler, especially those from some of the countries which Hitler conquered and the few remaining political oppositions that are alive. However, I suppose the Germans could have a special reason in that it was their country which he completely ruined after he lost the war.

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12y ago

Hitler wasn't exactly disliked until he started the Holocaust but in fact, times magazine actually made Adolf Hitler "man of the year" in 1938, and was given this because of how he helped Germany out of their depression by employing a majority of the Germanic population to build weapons of war in which he intended to use at the start of WW2

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11y ago

One reason is that he killed this many people;

5.1-6.0 million Jews, including 3.0-3.5 million Polish Jews

1.8 -1.9 million non-Jewish Poles (includes all those killed in executions or those that died in prisons, labor, and concentration camps, as well as civilians killed in the 1939 invasion and the 1944 Warsaw Uprising)

500,000-1.2 million Serbs killed by Croat Nazis

200,000-800,000 Roma & Sinti

200,000-300,000 People with disabilities

80,000-200,000 Freemasons

100,000 Communists

10,000-25,000 Homosexual men

2,000 Jehovah's Witnesses

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