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Icarus flew using the wax and feather wings his father made him. He died by flying to close close to the sun. The sun melted the wax off and Icarus fell to his death and drowned.

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Q: Why was Icarus unable to fly?
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What action causes Icarus' demise?

he flies too close to the sun and as a result the wax melts. now there is nothing keeping the feathers together so unable to fly icarus comes plumetting down from the sky and dies.

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What is the theme of icarus?

Hope, because he wants to fly. He tries to fly but never succeeds.

Why cant pit from kid Icarus fly?

Well, look at the title. In a Greek myth, there is a boy and his father who is sent to jail. The boy's name is Icarus. They come up with a plan to get out of jail by collecting feathers and sticking them together with wax. When they were done, Icarus did not listen to his father about not going to close to the sun. So eventually, Icarus's wings melted off from the wax and he fell. Now, think about, Pit can't fly, and the title is Kid Icarus. Icarus was the boy's name, and he could not fly, just like Pit.

Why did Icarus and Daedalus need wings?

to fly out their jail window

What does Daedalus warn Icarus not to do?

do not fly too closely to the sun.........

Why are Daedalus and icarus famous?

Daedalus was the inventor of the labyrinth, and was trapped there too. Him and his son, Icarus, escaped, but only reached the edge of the island. To go over the water, Daedalus built wax wings, which he and Icarus would use to fly over the sea. Daedalus told Icarus not to fly to close to the sun, or his wings would melt. Icarus didn't listen, and ended up plummeting into the Iccarian Sea.

Icarus - why humans can't fly?

Humans can fly (in jets, in plains) but not with crappy wax and feather "inventions".

What moral lesson can you learn from Icarus's failure?

Don't fly too close to the sun, a metaphor for "Don't allow ambition to get away with you."Obey your parents. Icarus' father had warned him not to fly too close to the sun.

What are Daedalus's instructions to Icarus?

Daedalus warns Icarus not to fly too low, as the sea's dampness will clog the wings, or too high, as the sun's heat will melt the wax holding the feathers together. He advises Icarus to follow his lead and fly at a moderate height.