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Q: Why was Napoleon not a child of the Enlightenment?
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What did Napoleon do that was not enlightened?

He declared himself emperor, which is absolutism and against the ideas of the enlightenment.

What enlightenment thinker did napoleon follow?

He was a follower of Rousseau and a supported many ideas of the French Revolution.

Did Napoleon help save the ideals of the Enlightenment and allowed them to spread across Europe and the European colonies?


What did Napoleon do as a child in his lifetime.?

Napoleon wanted to be a sailor or a soldier and later entered military school.

What is Napoleon's enlightenment?

He was one of the first generals to use math to improve artillery accuracy, by means of trajectory calculus.

How were the enlightenment ideas spread under Napoleon?

Where ever he conquered the enlightenment ideals were spread, but that lead to his down fall because people he conquered wanted to revolt their government too, but that was the French empire.

What best reflects a way in what Napoleon's goals did not support Enlightenment ideals?

He attempted to build an empire by conquering other nations.

Was Napoleon's ideas and actions true to enlightenment?

The Napoleonic Wars had multiple dimensions in the terms of ideology and European balances of power. Although is expansionary means and the invasion of Russia remain controversial, Napoleon's Enlightenment based intentions were based on rejection of the divine right theory. Thus, his strategy to crush European monarchies was founded.

What was the first military school Napoleon went to as a child?


Did the French Revolution stay true to the enlightenment ideals?

Absolutely not!!! There are mainly two reason why. One was "The Terror" and the other was Napoleon Bonaparte.

How did the ideas of the French Revolution carry into Napoleon's rule?

The Napoleonic Code was based on the spirit of the French Revolution and the Enlightenment. Napoleon also ended the feudal system, therefore increasing equality. In addition, Napoleon was himself a commoner, which was also emblematic of post-revolution success; a commoner could rule France.

Why was napoleon bonaparte called a child of a revolution?

Good question Do u know the answer?