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An impressive array of shore guns for defense, deep Harbour for the stationing of Capitol Ships like cruisers and battleships,a large detachment of soldiers for defense against invaders, tough terrain. Unfortunately, once the big ships were destroyed by Japan in the opening days of the war, the fortress was subjected to air attack, with little defending fighter support available.

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because of the good defence system that the British set up there

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Q: Why was Singapore called the impregnable fortress of the British Empire in the east Before World War 2?
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Who ruled Singapore before world war 2?

The British

How was Singapore like before World War 2?

We are under British Colony. In general, a Malaya State. Singapore was in the past known as Temasek before the British even came.

Who ruled Singapore before it became independent?

Before independence, Singapore was part of the British Empire. It is also worthy to note that there was no development where Singapore now is before the British built it.

How do you use impregnable in a sentence?

Impregnable means incapable of being taken by assault. Although they tried to attack the castle, the enemies found our castle walls to be impregnable, so they stopped their attack before nightfall.

When does Singapore return to the British?

Singapore unilaterally declared independence from Britain in August 1963 before joining Malaysia the following month. Singapore then officially gained sovereignty on 9 August 1965 after leaving Malaysia. As such, Singapore is a sovereign nation and is not subject to British rule in the future.

What country called the fishing village before the coming of the British?


When was Singapore under British imperial rule?

Singapore was under British rule from 1819 till 1963. (It was taken by the Japanese early in 1942 but reverted to British rule in 1945).Singapore only officially became a British colony in August 1824. Before that, the British only had the rights to start a trading settlement. The Sultan at that time, had only given the British a piece of land to build a settlement in the southern part of Singapore island, as Singapore was still a territory controlled by a Malay ruler. Therefore, the answer to this question is, 1824 - 1956

Why was Singapore attacked in World War 2 by the Britain Empire?

Its "British empire" you silly slag! And to answer your question, because the japs were holding on to it and we were kinda at war with tham. :-) Singapore was attacked by the Japanese and Singapore was the major British military base in South East Asia, so Singapore belonged to Britain at that time, before they surrender Singapore to Japan and hence, Singapore was not attacked by the Britain Empire.

What was the significanance of the fall of Singapore to Australia?

Singapore never fell to australia. In fact they fell to japan on 15th Feb 1942, before the British colonial powers took back Singapore after WWII ended in 1945

What was the main reason for the fall of Singapore?

The British had been overconfident that the Japanese would attack from the sea and thus pointed the naval defenses towards the sea. They even described Singapore as an "impregnable fortress". Moreover, the weapons that the British had were far weaker than those of the Japanese. The British found it unnecessary to use tanks in the jungle while The Royal Air Force could offer the ships no protection as their planes had already been destroyed by the Japanese. Hence, the battleship "Prince of Wales" and the battle cruiser "Repulse" were sunk by fast Japanese torpedo bombers. The British soldiers in Singapore were recruits, with little fighting experience. To their disadvantage, Lt. Gen Percival, leader of the British forces, was less experienced in jungle warfare compared to Japanese Lt Gen Yamashita.

How Singapore would be like now if the separation with Malaysia did not take place?

It would OBVIOUSLY look VERY horrible! The Japanese invaded Singapore forcefully without permission and it was of course very shocking for all Singaporeans as they weren't expecting it to happen. So they just relied on the British to protect Singapore. But before they knew it, the British surrended Singapore to the Japanese.