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He was not canonized since the process of canonization did not exist for nearly 1000 years after he died. He was declared a saint by the early Christian community based on his martyrdom. Pope St. Gelasius confirmed his sainthood a couple centuries later and fixed his feast day as February 14.

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Q: Why was St. Valentine canonized a saint?
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Who canonized Saint Valentine?

He wasn't canonized, he was acclaimed a saint centuries before the modern system of canonization began. The feast of St. Valentine of February 14 was first established in 496 by Pope Gelasius I, who included Valentine among all those "... whose names are justly reverenced among men, but whose acts are known only to God." As Gelasius implies, nothing was yet known to him about his life.

Why doesn't Saint Valentine have a canonization date?

Saint Valentine of Rome was never officially canonized. He died many years before the process of canonization existed. He was declared a saint by the early Church based on his life of heroic virtue and martyrdom.

Was St. Valentine a sinful saint?

If Valentine was a seriously sinful person he would not be a saint.

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Valentine's Day, February 14, is the feast of St. Valentine, the patron saint of lovers.