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Q: Why was Stephan Douglas important during the election of 1860?
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When did president Lincoln loose to Stephan A. Douglas?

In the 1858 election for senator. During this event, Lincoln and Douglas held a series of debates, known as the Lincoln-Douglas debates.

Did Lincoln beat Douglas in a landslide during the reelection?

Stephen A. Douglas was not a candidate when Abraham Lincoln ran for re-election in 1864. The only times Lincoln ran against Douglas were in the 1858 election for U.S. Senator from Illinois, which Douglas won with 54% of the vote, and the 1860 election for U.S. President, which Lincoln won with 55% of the vote.

What is the image of a candidate important in an election?

The image of a candidate is important during an election because only those with a pristine image are believed to be fit to lead.

How did the republican party appeal to voters in the presidential election of 1860?

The turned to Abraham Lincoln, who had gained a national reputation during his earlier debates with Douglas

What issue did Abraham Lincoln and Stephen a Douglas disagree during their debates?

In 1858, Abraham Lincoln sought the senate seat in Illinois that was held by nationally known Stephen A. Douglas. The major issue in the debates they had during the campaign centered around slavery. Douglas attempted to portray Lincoln as a radical and Lincoln tried to make Douglas seem a pro-slavery senator. Douglas easily won the election, but it gave Lincoln national attention.

Who was the political opponent of Abraham Lincoln?

In the 1860 presidential election, which occurred before the Civil War began, Lincoln was the nominee of the Republicans. Stephan A. Douglas was nominated by the Democrats, but a pro-slavery faction walked out of the convention and nominated John C. Breckinridge. There was also fourth party made up of old-line Whigs and hold-overs from the American (Know-Nothing) party, and they nominated John Bell. All four candidates received electoral votes. In 1864, while the Civil War was still going on, Lincoln ran for a second term for President, and General George B. McClellan, who Lincoln had fired a few years earlier, ran against him. In the Senate elections of 1858, Abraham Lincoln lost to Stephan Douglas, the Northern Democratic Party's presidential nominee in 1860.

What was the main issue debated by Lincoln and Douglas?

Whether or not slavery should expand into new territories. Lincoln and Douglas did NOT debate on whether or not to *end* slavery, just whether it should be allowed in the new territories and states being accepted into the U.S. Lincoln, as a member of the Free Soil party, thought that slavery shouldn't be expanded, while Douglass believed it should.

Why is Douglas MacArthur relevant?

He was an important US military leader during World War 2. He served in the Pacific Theater of Operations.

What is the closest shipping port from Douglas Georgia?

Savannah is the closest shipping port from Douglas, Georgia. Savannah is the oldest city in the state of Georgia, and was an important port city in the American Revolution and during the American Civil War.

Where did mr Douglas meet mrs Douglas on green acres?

In Hungary during WW2 .

Why was westward expansion such an important issue in electipn 1844?

The Westward expansion was very important during the election of 1844, because sectionalism was continuing to grow in the country. While Henry Clay objected to the annexation of Texas, his opponent, James Polk supported it, and won the election as a result.

Can you vote online during the election?
