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Luther refused to support the peasants rebellion.

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Q: Why was Thomas Muntzer so critical of Martin Luther during the Peasant War?
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What did Martin Luther think of Thomas Muntzer?


Why was Thomas Müntzer so critical of Martin Luther during the Peasant War?

Müntzer claimed that God told him Luther was a liar

Did Martin Luther support the peasants in the 1524-26 Peasants War?

Martin Luther did not support the Peasant's Revolt of 1524. He never took part in the revolt and he encouranged peasants to obey their lords and nobles. The reason nobles and landlords frowned upon Martin Luther was the fact that he started the Reformation Era, one of the causes sparking the boldness in peasants to start Peasant's Revolt.

The German theologian is credited with beginning the Protestant reformation?

Martin Luther

Why was Martin Luther King Jr. named after Martin Luther?

Martin Luther King Jr was not named after Martin Luther. Martin Luther King Jr was named after his father, Martin Luther King. Martin Luther King was named after Martin Luther.

Who was a German priest who is credited with starting the Protestant Reformation?

Martin Luther- protestant reformation leader

Which of these events was a result of Martin Luther's activities?

There were peasant revolts and religious wars in Germany. Eventually Germany was divided between Catholic and Protestant states.

Why did Martin Luthers father change the name of Martin Luther?

Martin Luther is the creator of Lutheranism. Martin Luther King was named after Martin Luther. Martin Luther King Jr. was named after his father, Martin Luther King. Nobody's name was changed.

Was Martin Luther King jr named after Martin Luther of Germany?

Martin Luther King Jr's father, Martin Luther King, was named after Martin Luther. Martin Luther King Jr was named after his father.

What was Martin Luther King jr's dad's name?

The father of Martin Luther King, Jr. was Martin Luther King, Sr.

How do you remember Martin Luther King Jr today?

As the peaceful component in the most critical stage of the civil rights movement.

Was Martin Luther King Jr born in Germany as Martin Luther?

Martin Luther King and Martin Luther are two completely different people. Martin Luther King was born in the United States.