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Q: Why was Vesak celebrated?
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Related questions

What do they wear on vesak day?

Buddhists wear white clothing on Vesak day The girls specifically wear "lama sari" and the boys wear the national attire of sri lanka......take this from someone who is actually Buddhist and Sri Lanka and has also celebrated Vesak all her life

What is Buddhism new years?

Although it varies from school to school and country to country, commonly the Buddhist new year is Vesak, celebrated on the full moon of May.

When is the Buddhist festival of Vesak in 2011?

Vesak (Buddha Day), was held in 2011/5/10.

Does buddhism have any holy days?

Holy days are celebrated throughout the year in the Buddhist community. Some of these days would be for birthdays of Bodhisattvas, Magha Puja Day, Buddhist New Year and Vesak.

What is The Buddhist Festival of Light?

Vesak Day

Which religion is wesak in?

Vesak is a Buddhist holiday.

What do buddhist eat on vesak?

Vegetarian diet

Are special foods eaten on Vesak?


Why is waisak day on a different day each year?

Vesak is celebrated on different days because of two reasons. The first it is based on a lunar calendar. The second is that different Buddhist traditions use different lunar calendars.

What are some of the celebrations or holidays of the Buddhism religion?

Vesak Day

When do people celebrate vesak?

on a full moon in May or June

What are some Buddhists holidays?

Vesak Day is a Buddhist holiday.