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Q: Why was a vassal valuable to a feudal Lords?
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Why did vassals protect their lords?

Vassals were people who had entered into a feudal contract with their lords. As part of the feudal contract, each was required to protect the other. Usually, this meant the vassal gave military support to the lord, but the lord was obliged to support the vassal in the event that the vassal was attacked. In exchange for military support, the vassal got a fiefdom or land grant, which was an estate from which he could get an income.

What is a vassalage?

Vassalage is the relationship between the feudal lord and his vassal. Kings had higher lords as vassals, and higher lords had lower lords as vassals. The practice was called subinfeudation.

What change took place between lords and vassals under the feudal agreement?

Lord granted fief to a vassal for military protection and other goods. :)

What is the pyramid that shows the medieval time feudal system called?

The feudal system is described by the Feudal Pyramid, which has four basic elements, the king, the lords, the common vassals, and the serfs. It is called a pyramid because each layer was supported by a much larger group that supported it, down to the serfs. The term vassal is sometimes applied only to those below the lords, but the lords were vassals.

What did the other noble except for the king in a feudal society served as?

The King is usually highest, but then there are Barons and Earls, who are all considered 'lords' of their castle/estate.

Who did a vassal owe his first loyalty to?

The lords or lesser lords

Is it true that a vassal is the term for a Japanese warrior?

A vassal is someone in a feudal system who has entered into a mutual obligation to a lord or monarch.So while a warrior in feudal Japan might be someone's vassal, the word vassal does not define him as a warrior.

What are feudal tenants?

Feudal tenants are the folks who rent betterments from a feudal landlord.

What is the vassal in the feudal system?

The vassal was a fat man with a purple beard that had five pounds of spaghetti in his fanny pack

How was feudalism a system of mutually dependent relationships between lords vassals and serfs What was the importance of land rights in this arrangement?

The Feudal lord provides the Vassal with land. The Vassal, in return, vows to fight for the Feudal lord, or serve him in various ways. The serfs who are mostly poor will be needing protection as well as a place to live in (err-- land). Thus, the serfs are usually required to pay taxes or till the vassal's land or serve the vassal. The reciprocal relationship between the feudal lord, vassal, and serf shows that neither can live without the other. Land, on the other hand, is given much importance because a thousand years ago, everybody wanted/needed land. (Territory was a necessity)

What did the vassal give to the lord?

In the feudal system the vassal gives loyalty, labor, and sometimes taxes or a portion of his harvest to his lord.

The feudal ceremony in which a vassal received land from a lord?

The feudal ceremony in which a vassal received land from a lord was called an investiture. Chivalry was the code of conduct developed by the feudal nobles.