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Q: Why was atomism largely ignored during the Middle Ages?
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The Roman Catholic Church

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"Italy's leader Vittorio Orlando hoped to gain territory for his nation. He was disappointed to find himself largely ignored by other leaders during the peace talks."

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The Renaissance

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Silks and spices were prized during the Middle Ages. The trade was largely controlled by the Venetians. More indirectly, for most Europeans, it was controled by Arabs and the Byzantines.

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Picot was a French diplomat who worked with the British diplomat Sykes during World War I to set the borders of the Middle East after the war. The current borders in the Middle East are largely a result of this collaboration, called the Sykes-Picot Agreement.

Were blacks treated equally to whites in the Union army?

During the war, they were still segregated and generally assigned to menial tasks because of continuing racial prejudice. After the war, their contributions were largely ignored, forgotten, even hushed up. Better after WWII, but only a little.

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Pope and church to some extent, but in the late middle ages the kings often fought the Pope and ignored him.

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