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the belief was so important because they believed that the gods controlled everything

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Q: Why was belief in gods so important to the Egyptians?
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Why were Egyptian gods so important to egyptians?

Gods were important to Ancient Egyptians for the same reason God is important to people today

Why were the ancient Egyptians gods so important?

cause they ruled

Was the idea of gods important to ancient Egyptians?

Yes, extremely. In fact, the Ancient Egyptians believed so strongly in the concept of gods and the afterlife that they erected massive tombs and spent great time and effort to prepare their important people and their rich people for the transition to the afterlife.

Why was the importance of the cat to Egyptians?

The Egyptians saw cats as gods and goddessess so they worshiped them.

Why was life after death so important to the ancient Egyptians?

extremely important because it connected the dead with the afterlife, and then the soul would be able to visit the gods, and be immortal

Why were tho gods on ancient egyptians so important to their society?

For exactly the same reasons that people who hold religious beliefs today think their god is important

Where did the ancient Egyptians whorship the gods?

they worshiped the gods in the place called the zigrautt and so did the romanas

Why did the ancient egyptians have so many gods?

So they couldn't question how anything could be there

Why do egyptians have gods?

Egyptians have so called "gods" because they needed someone or something to look up to and to depend on. And besides, do you actually "think" there is more than one god?

Why was amun so important to the egyptians?

He was important because he was one of the eight gods that made up Ogdoed of Hermopolis. He was the god of the air and he was interesting, according to legend he created himself and he did not have any parents.

What is the practice of worshipping gods?

Ancient Egyptians worshipped their gods so that when they died they would live in the afterlife. They also worshipped their gods so that they were protected from everyday "evil" spirits.

Why was wine so important to the gods?

it is so important to the gods because the wine tastes like semen. and gods love to drink semen.