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Canada was a British Territory and all British Territories were subject to conscription into their own army.

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Q: Why was conscription necessary during World War 2 for Canada?
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Peoplegroups that opposed conscription in World War I?

who opposed (argued against) conscription in Australia during world war 1 and why? who opposed (argued against) conscription in Australia during world war 1 and why?

What are the similarities and differences of conscription in Canada during World War I and 2?

African American were drafted into both World Wars, but into integrated units in WWII. The Draft was begun before America enter WWI. By WWII the draft was enforced at the federal and local government level by armed forces.

How did conscription affect Canada's economy?

During World War II, conscription was a controversial and somewhat divisive step taken by the Canadian government in 1944; however, it did not adversely affect Canada's economy, which experienced a general "boom" as a result of the war. For one thing, the actual conscription enforced on Canada's population was quite small; it also occurred only during the last year of the war. For another, Canadian women (similar to women throughout the western nations) became more active in the work-force as a result of the war-time pressures.

What happened to conscription in Australia during World War 1?

The age of entry was lowered

Which countries used conscription in World War 1 and which countries didn't?

I definitely know that Canada was one of the Countries that did.

Who was pro-conscription in World War 1?

Prime Minister Hughes (who had recently left the Labor party, due to his belief in conscription) was all for it, becuase he believed that it was necessary if the sustain of soldiers to the war was to be kept

Did Germany use conscription during world war 1?

yes Geramny did use conscription during WW1. in Germany conscription had already been enforced and was a normal part of Germany's way of recruitment procedures. men were normally and regularily taken in for active service and trained.

What are major events in Canada's history?

Some major events in Canada's history include the establishment of the Dominion of Canada in 1867, the completion of the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1885, the conscription crisis during World War I, the introduction of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in 1982, and the patriation of the Constitution in 1982.

How did America raise troops during World War 2?

Conscription - same as Viet Nam war.

What was the process forcing people to join the army during World War I?

The process forcing people to join the army during World War 1 was called conscription

Who was ernest lapointe and was his view on conscription in World War 2?

Lapointe persuade Quebec people that Canada joining the war was mandatory. He also said that conscription being forced will cause all Liberal support from Quebec to be gone.

How did Canada react to the outbreak of World War 1?

Conscription in Canada during the First World War was highly controversial, and many disagreed with it passionately, and some, violently. In Canada, this is referred to as the Conscription Crisis of 1917.