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Q: Why was copper discovered before iron?
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What metal was discovered after copper and bronze?


What is first chemical element discovered?

Probably either copper or iron.

Was copper known as iron before?

No, it was not.

What elements were discovered in prehistoric times?

carbon, sulfer,iron, copper, and zinc

Who were the scientists who discovered iron?

Iron was discovered long before we had people who could be called scientists.

Where is metal discovered?

Iron is extracted from iron ore. Copper is extracted from several ores, Chalcopyrite being one.

Why was copper used before iron?

Because its stronger

What year was copper discovered?

Copper was discovered a very long time ago. the first recorded use of copper was atleast 10,000 BC so presumably it was discovered some time before that.

Was bronze discovered before brass?

Bronze was probably alloyed before brass, yes. Bronze is copper and tin. Brass is copper and zinc. Bronze is the alloy most commonly found in ancient tools. But native copper itself was discovered before the alloys were.

Who discoverded copper?

We do not know. Copper was discovered before we had writing to keep records. People have used copper for about 6,000 years.

Who discovered the element iron-?

The use of iron dates back before recorded history. It is unknown who discovered iron.This answer is unknown due to the fact that the element was discovered before reliable records were created.It was been discoved for ancient times.

Why was the bronze age before the iron age even though iron is easier to find?

Iron is harder to refine than copper.