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It was important because you can't have a civilization without writing. It was also important so they could communicate in other ways besides talking. It also helped them keep tarck when they buy, sell, or trade something with other sumerians.

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Q: Why was cuneiform Sumerian important for the develoment and advancement of Sumerian civilization?
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Why was the development of cuneiform an important achievement?

its because early civilization or The developments of the cuneiform had been understood by people who learned this language and this language had been evolved by long time of periods

What would the world be like without cuneiform?

Without cuneiform, written records in ancient Mesopotamia would not have been possible, hindering the development of advanced civilizations in the region. The spread of ideas, laws, and literature would have been limited, potentially slowing down the progress of human civilization. Additionally, the study of history and understanding ancient cultures would have been more challenging without cuneiform texts.

Why were Cuneiform and hieroglyphics important?

Cuneiform and hieroglyphics were important because they were early writing systems developed by ancient civilizations (Mesopotamia and Egypt respectively). They allowed these societies to communicate, record information, and pass on knowledge across generations. They laid the foundation for future writing systems and the development of literature, science, and culture.

Cuneiform and hieroglyphics were important achievements in the development of?

Cuneiform and hieroglyphics were important achievements in the development of writing systems. Cuneiform was developed by the civilizations of Mesopotamia, while hieroglyphics were used by the ancient Egyptians. These scripts enabled these civilizations to record information, communicate, and preserve their histories and cultural achievements.

Why is Cuneiform important?

Cuneiform is important because it was one of the earliest writing systems in the world, developed in ancient Mesopotamia around 3400 BCE. It allowed for record-keeping, communication, and administrative tasks to be carried out efficiently in societies like Sumer and Akkad. Cuneiform also laid the foundation for future writing systems and contributed to the preservation of historical and cultural knowledge.

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What do the cuneiform tablets tell us about Sumerian civilization?

Cuneiform tablets provide insight into diverse aspects of Sumerian civilization, such as their laws, religion, economy, and daily life. These tablets reveal information about their political structure, trade networks, religious beliefs, literature, and social practices. They also offer valuable details about Sumerian achievements in areas like mathematics, astronomy, and literature.

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Important invention of the sumerians?

The wheel, and a way of writing called, cuneiform

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Why was the development of cuneiform an important achievement?

its because early civilization or The developments of the cuneiform had been understood by people who learned this language and this language had been evolved by long time of periods

Why was cuneiform important?

Cuneiform is important because it is a early type of writting

What important advancement did the Sumerians introduce by 3200 B.C. that would later allow historians to study their culture?

the sumerians introduced cuneiform, the earliest known form of wirting.

What element of civilization are the development of cuneiform and hieroglyphics important accomplishment?

Writing systems, specifically an early stage in the development an alphabetic writing system. i

Why were Cuneiform and hieroglyphics important?

Cuneiform and hieroglyphics were important because they were early writing systems developed by ancient civilizations (Mesopotamia and Egypt respectively). They allowed these societies to communicate, record information, and pass on knowledge across generations. They laid the foundation for future writing systems and the development of literature, science, and culture.

Why is marketing important in an economy?

the study of economics is important because with out it we wouldnt have undersant the impact of develoment in business

What civilizations used the cuneiform?

The civilization that used cuneiform was Egyptians. this was diffrent from hieroglyphics because cuneiform was used to write books, poems, and just to give to our archaeologists today what important things they had back then. No,cuneiform was used by the ancient mesopotamian people. Over thousands of years, Mesopotamian wrinting recorded daily events, trade, astronomy, and literature on clay tablets. Cuneiform was used by people throughout the ancient times to write several different languages.

Why did Kramer call cuneiform Summers most signification contribution to civilization?

because since they had learned how to write the people could record important events and tell story of what happend