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Q: Why was dionysus called twice born?
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What was Dionysus also known as?

Dionysus, god of wine and vegetation was also known as Bacchus, Liber, and the 'Twice -born'.

Who was Dionysus?

Dionysus is the god of wine and drunken revelry in Greek mythology. Writers often contrast Dionysus with his half-brother Apollo. Where Apollo personifies the cerebral aspects of mankind, Dionysus represents the libido and gratification. Dionysus was the son of the king of the Greek gods, Zeus, and Semele, the mortal daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia of Thebes. Dionysus is called "twice born" because of the unusual manner in which he grew: not only in a womb, but also in a thigh. Dionysus is a fat,plump god he was a partier there for the beer belly He wore a grape vine crown.

Why is dionysus called the resurrecting god?

Zeus became angry with Dionysus' mother, Semele while she was pregnant with him. He slammed her with a thunderbolt, and as she burned down to an ash heap, Zeus grabbed the infant from her womb and sewed it into his own leg. When the infant was strong enough to be born, Zeus cut the stitches, removed the baby and named him Dionysus. Since Dionysus was 'Born Twice,' once when he was pulled from his mother's womb, and again from Zeus' thigh, he was sometimes call the 'Resurrected God.'

How is Dionysus born?

Dionysus,or Dionysos was born from Zeus thigh!!!!!!!

Where was dionysus bron?

Dionysus was born in Nysa.

Where was dionysus born?

Dionysus was born in the island of Ikaria. I am very sure. kev~

When did dionysus become a god?

Dionysus was born a god.

What was strange about Dionysus' birth?

When Semele, mother of Dionysus, died with Dionysus yet not born, Zeus took out the unborn child and sewed him into his thigh, where Dionysus developed until he was born.

Why are dionysus and Midas enemies?

Dionysus and Midas were never enemies, Midas was in fact favored by Dionysus twice - once for granting his wish, and the second time in telling Midas how to rid himself of it.

What connection does the god Dionysus have to Thebes?

Dionysus was born in Thebes.

When was dionysus made a god?

Dionysus was born a Greek god.

When was dionysus born and when did he die?

Dionysus's birth is not given in myth; and being that Dionysus is ageless and immortal, he did not die.