

Why was elie so happy that the camp was getting bombed?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Why was elie so happy that the camp was getting bombed?
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Does Elie wiesel remain in the hospital while the camp is being evacuated?

Elie and his father must make a decision whether to go on the death march or stay in the infirmary at the camp. Elie decides that the camp will probably be bombed by the Nazis after it's evacuation and the sick peopel in the infirmary will be killed. He believes this because the Nazis have no use for sick people. Elie and his father go on the death march, which proves to be a bad choice because two days after the camp was evacuated and Elie and his father went on the march, people in the infirmary were freed. Had Elie and his father stayed in the infirmary, they would have been freed from the reign of the Nazis and his father would have survived the Holocaust.

Why was Elie sent to camps?

Elie the weasel never saw the inside of any German work camp, in fact he is a liar and if he wants to sue me for calling him that I will be more than happy to provide my details.

The book night by elie wiesel can someone tell me how elie loss strength and control when he was getting his golden crowned taken out of his mouth?

Elie lost strenght because that was his most valuable possession (other than his father) at the camp since everything was taken away from him.

Who was Buchenwald in the book Night by Elie Wiesel?

Buchenwald was a concentration camp.

Who helped elie after he suffered one of ideks bouts of madness?

Elie's father helped him after he suffered one of Idek's bouts of madness in the camp. His father was a source of strength and support for Elie during their time in the concentration camp.

What did the camp dentist take wish from elie?

his tooth

What happened to elies family when they reach the camp?

Elie's family was separated upon reaching the camp. Elie was separated from his mother and sister, who were sent to the gas chambers. His father was with him in the camp and they faced harsh conditions and brutality together.

What separated Elie from his mother sisters and grandmother?

Elie was separated from his mother and sisters during the selection process at Auschwitz concentration camp. They were sent to the gas chambers, while Elie and his father were deemed fit for labor. Elie's grandmother was separated from him upon arrival at the camp and sent to the gas chambers.

Who was the famous person that live after the concentration camp?

Elie Wiesel

Who beat Elie Wiesel severely in the concentration camp?


What was the first thing elie did after the camp?

he started talking to his family

What is the relationship between elie and his father in the book Night?

It is about their time in the Nazi concentration camp. His father died, Elie survived.