

Why was heracles given the 12 labors to compleat?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Why was heracles given the 12 labors to compleat?
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Why is Heracles dangerous?

Because he did 12 impossible labors

The demi god who was told to complete 12 labors?

Heracles (Greek) Hercules (Roman) had to complete 12 labors.

Why did eurytheus make Heracles perform 12 labors?

Heracles was driven mad by Hera and in his madness he killed his children. To repay for this crime he was set 10 labors by his archenemy Eurystheus. However of the first 10 labors Eurystheus only accepted 8 of them and assingned him two more. If Heracles completed all the labors his sins would be forgiven and he would be granted immorality.

Why did Eurystheus make Heracles perform the 12 labors?

To redeem himself for the murder of his wife and children.

All characters of Hercules and the 12 labors?

Click link below, then choose Heracles from menu!

Did Hera make Heracles perform 12 labors?

Yes, in a way. She drove Heracles/Hercules into a fit of madness, so he killed his wife and children. Afterwards, when he discovered what he had done, he did the 12 labors as a way of redeeming himself. The king Eurystheus was the one who gave him those tasks.

What are the key stories of Hercules?

The most well-known stories involving Heracles were the 12 labors and the story of the Argonauts.

Why did Hercules have to perform the 12 labors?

The labors of Hercules were set by Eurystheus King of the Tiryns and Mycenae. The labors were a set of 12 extremely difficult, so difficult they were almost impossible, tasks, They were given as a punishment after Hercules killed his wife and children.

In Greek mythology what hero beheaded Medusa Bellerophon Theseus Heracles Perseus?

Perseus. Bellerophon killed the Chimera, Theseus killed the Minotaur, and Heracles completed the 12 labors.

What is the family tree of Heracles?

heracles(roman name hercules) is the son of Zeus(god) and Alcmene(mortal), making him a hero- half god and half man. when heracles killled his children, from being droven made by jealous Hera, he was given 12 tasks, or labors, to do for king Eurystheus, Heracles cousin. Heracles was deprived of inheritance to king by Hera. when heracles had died, his mortal self was sent to Hades and his god self was given a life in Mount Olympus, living as the god of strength. he married Hera's daughter, Hebe, who was the goddess of youth. Hera and Heracles got along back when he was mortal when Heracles saved Hera from being raped by the giants.