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Q: Why was iodine used to stain water specimen?
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Why are stains such as iodine used to observe cells under the microscope?

Iodine is used to stain the cell. It makes each component of the cell more visible, especially the nucleus.

How do you remove iodine stain from paper?

The iodine stain can be removed from the paper by washing the stain in plenty of cold water. Paper distillation can also be used to remove the iodine stain from the paper.

The name given to a liquid used to make cells structures easier to see?

Stain . Iodine is one.

What stain is used to test for plant starch in cells?

aqueous iodine in the form of potassium iodide turns purple in the presence of starches in water.

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Why do you use iodine to stain a cell?

Iodine stains starch contained in cells. Iodine is also used to distinguish between Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria. The Gram stain contains iodine.

What is the stain used to staines the cell membrane?

we can use feulgen's method ,in which malachite green stain is used to stain the nucleus

Which stain you should use to stain onion peel?

Both Iodine and Methylene Blue will work - iodine is probably used more often for onion.

Stain used to tested for the starch molecules?

iodine ~jackie

What are counterstains?

A stain of a contrasting color used to color the components in a microscopic specimen that are not made visible by the principal stain.

What is used as an indicator for starch?

Iodine. If you ever get iodine on your clothing, it will leave a permanent stain because of the starch.

What is the action of iodine in grams stain?

Iodine is used to bind the Crystal Violet to the Gram Positive microbes.