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Q: Why was it difficult for British to replace soldiers?
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Why was it difficult for the British soldiers to shoot back at the minutemen?

it was difficult for the British soldiers to shoot back at the minutemen because they had to shoot up well they were shooting down at them.

What is another name for British solidgers?

If you mean British soldiers, you could replace British with United Kingdom or UK and soldiers with troops, infantry, military or army personnel.They were nicknamed Tommies in the past century. During the American Revolution they were "redcoats" due to their uniforms.

What is a British soldiers?

The term British Soldiers applies to all soldier of the United Kingdom, and historically all soldiers of the British Empire.

What does british s a s initials in the military stand for?

Special Air Service - an elite group of soldiers who specialise in difficult operations.

Colonial troops in the Revolutionary era enjoyed a geographic advantage over the British because?

The distance from Great Britain made it difficult for the British to replace troops.

Why were the colinists British if they hated the British soldiers?

the Bostonians hated the british soldiers because they kept on tormenting them

What did the colonists realize after fighting alongside British soldiers?

They were very different from the British soldiers and wanted to declare independence from England.

Who commanded the American soldiers who captured British soldiers?

who commanded the American soldiers who captured 5,800 British soldiers under General Burgoyne at Saratoga

Name of British soldiers?

Name given to the British soldiers by the people of Boston was the "redcoats".

How many British soldiers to American soldiers are currently fighting in Afghanistan?

british ... 32

How else are British enlisted soldiers known?

British soldiers are sometimes called 'Tommies'.

What was the shooting of 5 Bostonians by British soldiers?

The Boston Massacre is the incident in which five soldiers were shot by British soldiers in 1770.