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To end the use of DDT because it kills certain birds and animals. ^_^

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Q: Why was it important for the congress to act promptly?
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What is a good sentence for the word promptly in it?

The goalkeeper acted promptly and saved the goal.I want you to act promptly so that a lot of time is saved.

Opposite of procrastinate?

Act promptly is the opposite of prcrastinate.

Why is the National Labor Relations Act important?

An act passed by congress in 1935, It clearly established the right of workers to join a union.

Why it is Important to clear and dispose of waste food promptly and safely?

It is important to clear and dispose of food waste safely and promptly to avoid the bad odor.

Why is it important to clear and dispose of food waste promptly and safely?

It is important to clear and dispose of food waste safely and promptly to avoid the bad odor.

What are the matters that congress can act upon?

Congress can act on any matter which Congress believes is of concern for the nation.

What act of congress established JROTC?

The act of congress that established the JROTC Program is the National Defense Act of 1916.

What does the term Glass Steagall Act mean?

The Glass Steagall Act was an act passed by Congress in 1933. The act was passed to restore confidence in the banking industry. The most important provision of the act was the institution of the FDIC.

Why is it important to recored your observations promptly and completely?

It is important to record your observation promptly and completely so that you can always go back over what had just happened, that way your hypothesis is clear.

How did Douglas MacArthur rise to the rank of general in the Army?

By an act of Congress.

Why is the power of the judicial review important?

The power to declare an act of congress unconstitutional. I hopes this help got it from my textbook <3333> hopes you get it right

What is meant by the phrase 'Billion dollar congress'?

The 51st U.S. Congress was responsible for numerous pieces of important legislation. The Sherman Anti-Trust Act, the McKinley tariff, and the Land Revision act were just a few of those. It was called the "Billion-Dollar Congress" because of its lavish spending.