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It was important for the Receiver to keep all the memories because they contained knowledge and experiences from the past that society had chosen to forget in order to maintain stability. By holding onto these memories, the Receiver could learn from the mistakes of the past and help guide society towards a more compassionate and humane future.

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Q: Why was it important that the receiver keep all the memories giver?
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What were the rules for the receiver in training in the giver?

In "The Giver," the rules for the Receiver in training are to keep all memories secret, to follow the instructions of the Giver, and to continue to take the daily pill given to dull the pain of receiving memories. The Receiver is also not allowed to share the memories with anyone else in the community.

What is Jonas selected to do in The Giver?

Jonas is selected to be the Receiver of Memory in "The Giver." This position requires him to receive and store memories of the past, including both the joy and pain of human experience, from the current Receiver, who is referred to as the Giver.

Who was the first receiver in The Giver?

The Receiver holds all the memories of pleasure and pain. People look up to The Receiver for advice because he has a lot of wisdom since he has all the memories. Also, the 5 requirements to be Receiver is courage, integrity, intelligence , wisdom , and capacity to see beyond. Nobody wants to have these memories because they want sameness and they can't bare the sensitivity and pain of it. They want the community to be same and safe. So basically, The Receiver is the holder of memories.

Why is it important that the receiver keep all of the memories in the fiver?

It is important for the receiver to keep all the memories in the fiver to protect the integrity and confidentiality of the memories shared by the sender. This helps maintain trust and respect in the relationship. Additionally, it ensures that the sender's personal information and experiences are not accidentally shared or misused.

What are some of the requirements for the assignment of receiver of memories?

The Receiver of Memories should be wise, patient, and possess a strong capacity for compassion. They must have the ability to endure intense physical and emotional pain, as well as the resilience to keep the memories private and separate from their own consciousness. Additionally, they must be chosen by the Committee of Elders based on their unique qualities and suitability for the role.

What does Jonas want the giver to keep for himself?

Jonas wants the Giver to keep the memories of pain, suffering, and loneliness for himself. He believes that the Giver should not have to carry that burden alone and that he should experience the joy and love that the memories of a more colorful past bring.

Why was it important for the community to have a person who could see beyond the giver?

In the giver it is important for a community to have a personn who has the capacity to see beyond, because then the community has someone who has the capacity to keep their memories

How do you keep your memories in The Giver?

You keep the memories you had specificly, of things you did but everything is so controlled in the community they wouldn't remember things like starvation, poverty, love, ect.

Why did the giver warn Jonas about having a spouse and children?

The Giver warned Jonas about having a spouse and children because it would create emotional attachments and distractions that could jeopardize his ability to carry out his role as the Receiver of Memories. Having personal relationships could complicate his decisions and emotions, potentially interfering with his responsibilities.

How was Jonas from The Giver needed?

Jonas from the Giver is needed because he is needed to keep all of the memories from the world before it was changed. He was chosen to be burdened by these memories that can be very painful (the memory of war, death, fire, etc) and some that are very pleasurable (the beach, eating ice cream, etc. The Elders of the community chose him to keep the memories.

Why cant everyone in the community have memories in book giver?

In "The Giver," not everyone can have memories because it would overwhelm them with intense and painful experiences. The burden of holding all memories would be too much for most people, so a Receiver of Memory is chosen to bear that weight instead.

What is the characteristic for a receiver of memory in the giver?

The Receiver of Memory in "The Giver" is chosen for their intelligence, wisdom, integrity, and capacity to experience pain without being overwhelmed by it. They must also have the ability to keep secrets and make difficult decisions for the benefit of the community.