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It needed a faster way to travel among U.S imperial possessions.

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Q: Why was it important to the United States to build a canal?
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What country build the canal?

THe Panama Canal was built by the United States of America.

Who attempted to build the Panama Canal second?

The United states.

How many years did it take the United states to build the canal?

10 Years

Did the French start the Panama Canal?

Yes orignally the French were going to be the ones that were going to build the Canal, but they never finished, so the United States under Theodore Roosevelt, bought the rights to build the Canal.

Why is it important to build an Erie Canal?

The Erie Canal was important to build because it aided trade and agriculture in the Midwest.

Where president Theodore roosevelt wanted to build a canal accross?

The canal became known as the Panama canal . Theodore Roosevelt had a major role in committing the United States to its construction.

What was the united states role in war?

What role did the SpanishAmerican War play in the United States decision to build the Panama Canal? The United States acquired several territories in South America as a result of the war. Spain and the United States agreed to build the canal as part of the treaty that ended the war. During the war, ships going from San Francisco to Cuba required two months to sall around South America. The United States needed a shorter route to the Philippines , where fighting continued after the war .

How did the US get the land it needed to build panama canal?

The United States of America was given the land it needed to build the Panama Canal through the signing of the Hayâ??Herran Treaty. The treaty was signed on January 21, 1903.

Nation whose senate in 1902 refused to ratify a treaty permitting the United States to build a canal across its territory?


When did United States District Court for the Canal Zone end?

United States District Court for the Canal Zone ended in 1982.

Colombia granted freedom to Panama in return for income from the canal. Is this true or false?

It is not true that Colombia granted freedom to Panama in return for income from the canal. The United States paid Panama to lease the property and build the canal.

Who built the canal of panama?

United States built the Panama Canal.