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We just won WW2 and Korea...we knew we could win this one too!

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Q: Why was it so hard for the US to get out of the Vietnam war?
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Was the Vietnam war the worst war so far in the US?

Yes because it was lost

Why is the Vietnam war so historic?

Last US war fought by the WW2 (Greatest) Generation.

Why the Vietnam war was so different for Us soldiers?

Because the war was to help a different country

When did the US join the war in Vietnam?

The US joined the Vietnam War in 1960 or 1955because there was a civil war between North Vietnam and South Vietnam, and the US was good friends with South Vietnam's goverment, so they helped out.

True or false the us won the vietnam war?

False. The US lost the Vietnam War. The South, whom the US were supporting, had become very corrupt and the US public withdrew their support for the war. The US withdrew and retreated, so their objective was not achieved, and therefore was lost.

Why did the Vietnam and the United States go in to war?

There was no "Vietnam" during the Vietnam War. Communist NORTH Vietnam was attacking non-communist SOUTH Vietnam, and the US was trying to drive the communists out of South Vietnam...trying to stop communist aggression. It's called the Vietnam War because it's a lot easier to say, and less confusing...than to say "South Vietnam War" or "North Vietnam War", so some people go so far as to say the war in Southeast Asia instead.

What is the main reason that US go in Vietnam after the world war 2?

The US entered the Vietnam war after ww2 because the US wanted to control Communism or stop it completely and half of Vietnam was a commie country and the US did not want the Communism to spread so we entered to stop the commie side of Vietnam and to liberate the Democratic side

Why did the US retreated Vietnam war?

It was obvious North Vietnam wasn't going to quit; so the US declared victory and went home (from the GI's perspective).

What was the Vietnam War like before US involvement?

More war. Before the Vietnam War, there was the other Vietnam War (French Indochina War, aka 1st Indochina War). Before that war, there was WWII. So, they had about 3 wars straight for 35 years.

How long was the Vietnam war?

Vietnam was at war with France before the US intervened in the sixties. In fact, they defeated the French in 1956 and became independent, but divided into North Vietnam and South Vietnam. The Vietnam war the US was in was the result of the North and their communist sympathizers in the South (the Viet Cong) trying to unite the country under communism. When the US pulled out in 1975, they were successful.

What event led the us in the Vietnam war?

The French Indochina War most likely led to the (so called) American Vietnam War. Because the French war divided up the country into TWO nations; North & South Vietnams. When the communist led North Vietnam attempted to take over (conquer) South Vietnam... this led to US involvment.

How many countries was there in Vietnam after the Vietnam war?

After the war, there was a reunification of Vietnam. So the answer is "One country".