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Because they had racism , and slaves and African Americans didnt have any rights

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Q: Why was life during the war harder in the south than it was in the north?
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What was the south in the 1800s?

first of all you are wrong, the life in the south was harder by transportation than the north was. In the 1800s in the south there was over 10,000 miles of railroad track's north had a better transportation way in everything, more railroads, roads, and canal's, the north was filled exceptionally with canal's. The south only had a few good and easy ways of transportation.

Why did life in the south change more dramatically than life in the north?

because the south had to give up there slaves and the north didnt own any slaves to give up. and thats why life in the south had to change more dramatically the the life in the north.

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the slavery and the south was one ver important difference between the north and south slavery

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During her life she flew across North America a few times, later South America, Africa and Asia

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A lot different from the South.

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A lot different from the South.

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not as harsh as it was in the south. they did not have to work for life like saves in the south had to.

What event divided the north and south during the civil war?

Mostly ideology and way of life.