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because nigers are bad

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Q: Why was new England better suited for industrial growth than for agriculture?
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How did New England's location help industrial growth in the industrial revolution?

Honestly I Do Not Care

Which led to population growth during the Industrial Revolution?

The improvement of medicine and the medical field led to the population growth during the Industrial Revolution. Also, the up in agriculture led to the growth.Ê

How did agriculture lead to the growth of cities?

many people started doing/using agriculture because it was better for their life

How did the industrial affect each region?

A market. Economy began to develop in which agriculture. And manufacturing each supported the growth of the other

What helped the growth of England economy before the Industrial Revolution?

Trade of surplus farm produce

What helped the growth of England's economy before the industrial revolution?

Trade of surplus farm produce

How did agriculture help the cities in Mesopotamia grow and become better?

Agriculture helped the cities by increasing and bettering diets and making people more healthy and agriculture increased population growth.

Describe industrial growth in New England and identify the geographical incentives that aided in its development?

can someone help me

How did Industrialization and economic growth help ignite the full scale revolution?

The Industrial Revolution was where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and transport occured.

How did industrialization and economic growth help ignite full scale revolution?

The Industrial Revolution was where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and transport occured.

How did new England's location help industrial growth?

It helped because it made the cities a lot easier to work in.

How did the developments of agriculture lead to the growth of villages and towns?

they developed the agriculture lead growth to the villages and towns