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Paul was the first great missionary, and traveled throughout Asia Minor and Greece to both spread the Gospel, establish churches, and help them with their problems. When he could not visit them directly, he wrote letters of exhortation, doctrine and reproof to them. Commonly, errors crept into the new groups and it was necessary to correct these to bring them into line with Apostolic teaching.

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Because of his education, his fluency in different languages, and his ability to travel, St. Paul was able to spread Christianity to different countries.

Answer 2: His parents were Hebrew and evidently adhered to the Pharisaic branch of Judaism. Paul was an Israelite of the tribe of Benjamin and an apostle of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:1, Philippians 3:5) Though perhaps having both the Hebrew name Saul and the Roman name Paul from childhood. (Acts 9:17, 2 Peter 3:15), this apostle may have chosen to go by his Roman name in view of his commission to declare the good news to the non-Jews. Paul was versed in Greek and Hebrew. The Bible record introduces Paul in a vicious campaign as a persecutor of Christ followers. His persecution extended to other cities and he got written authorization to search out disciples of Christ as far North as Damascus in Syria to bind them and bring them to trial. On the way to Damascus Paul was blinded and Christ Jesus revealed himself to Paul in a flashing light and commissioned him to be an attendant and a witness of the things he had seen as would yet see. For three days he neither ate nor drank. While praying in the house of a certain Juda at Damascus, Paul, in vision saw Christ disciple Ananias come in and restore his sight. When the vision became reality, Paul was baptized, received holy spirit, partook of food, and gained strength. (Acts 9:9-19) (excerpt from Insight on the Scriptures vol 2 page 590 Jehovah's Witnesses official website.)

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11y ago

He spread the gospel from Jerusalem to Greece, Athens, Etc. He was essentially the first missionary to leave home and go around. He had 3 Missionary Journeys. Although the third is speculated, (his trip to Spain.) because it very briefly mentions it in the Bible, but does not go into great depth covering it like it does the first 2 journeys. The book of Acts is a great reference to Paul's life. His journey to Athens and Corinth is recorded in Acts 18.

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11y ago

Paul was the apostle to the gentiles, and spread Christianity away from its base in Palestine and among the diaspora Jews. He was so important to the early development of Christianity that his name and authority could be used by others to communicate messages to the Christian church. Six epistles are regarded as having been forged in his name, in addition to the 7 epistles that scholars agree he actually wrote. The pseudepigraphical letters are: Ephesians, Colossians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothyand Titus.

Acts of the Apostles, written several decades after Paul's death is almost entirely about Peter and Paul. In fact, a close reading of the book shows it to be a work of Propaganda intended to undermine Paul's standing in the Christian community and show Peter as the more worthy apostle. This suggests that its author was concerned at the extent of veneration for Paul. Even at the end of the second century, Paul was considered the second most important person in Christianity, after Jesus himself.

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10y ago

Paul was very important to the growth of Christianity as he made "missionary' trips to different parts of the known world and made disciples of Christ in these places. Secondly Paul wrote letters to these groups of people explaining the doctrines of Christ and giving practical instructions of living this new life in Christ. These letters or epistles are part of our bible today and are very important to Christians the world over.

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13y ago

who ever asked this question, i know ur in mr.montes world history class at Richards because this is in the packet.

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10y ago

Paul is an Apostle to the gentiles, and wrote many letters to groups of Christians and many of those letters are a part of the New Testament.

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Q: Why was paul a key figure in the early history of Christianity?
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