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Q: Why was ptolemy's theory helpful?
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Which Scientists disaprove Ptolemys geosentric theory of the universe?

Galileo and Copernicus were two of the scientists to disprove Ptolemy's geocentric theory of the universe. The Ptolemaic theory stated that the center was earth.

How did Copernicus disprove ptolemys theory about the universe?

Shortly before Copernicus died he figured that the Earth was notthecenter of things, but the Sun was. This theory is still used today. He worked out this this theory from detailed observations of the orbit of Mars.

Who was ptolemys?


Which theory was helpful to Darwin in the formulation of his theory of evolution?

The theory of common decent was one of the most helpful ideas in the formulation of the evolution of species. This theory acknowledges that to share common denominators there was a shared ancestor.

Who was ptolemys wife?

you are a ideot dumb one

What was ptolemys biggest discovery?

his model of the universe.

What ancientgreek philospher and science first proposed the theory?

Might be helpful if we new the theory....

What was ptolemys evidence for his space theory?

Ptolemy put the Earth at the center of his model of the universe , and said that the Sun , the moons , the planets ,the asteroids , comets , and meteors orbit the Earth and the Earth was the center of the universe.

Who contradicted Ptolemys geocentric model?

Nicholas Copernicus

How is Copernicus' description of the system of planets different from ptolemys description?

Ptolemy thought the earth was the center of the solar system (Otherwise known as the Geocentric theory) and Copernicus's idea was that the sun was at the center of the solar system (Heliocentric theroy).

What was foundation of Ptolemys geocentric model of the universe?

Earth was the center of the universe

What was Wallace contribution to the theory of natural selection?

Wallace's contribution was almost similar to what Charles Darwin's theory of evolution is. Is that helpful?