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It was a long time ago in Africa because it was used to preserve food, make it more tasty, and it replaced salt lost when they sweat. Salt being more valuable is an opinion though, but for west africans, salt seemed more valuable

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Q: Why was salt more valuable then gold?
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What is more valuable salt or gold?

Historically, gold has been more valuable than salt due to its rarity and diverse applications, especially in currency and jewelry. However, the value of salt should not be underestimated as it was crucial for preserving food before modern refrigeration and had significant economic and cultural importance in many societies.

In ancient Ghana was salt or gold worth more?

in ancient Ghana salt was more valuable. gold was everywhere whereas salt was rare. also salt was more valuable because salt helps you retain water which ment they could travel longer without water, increasing trade across the Sahara desert. also salt helped preserve food, making it worth more than gold

What was more valuable to Ghana salt or gold and Why?

Gold and salt. First, the gold worth very much as you know. The salt is valuable as the gold because foods contain salt and it's preserving the food. Salt was rare at the ancient Ghana so they could use it as the trade item. I heard this from my social studies teacher, Mr. MacGr**o*

The mineral that was as valuable as gold in Africa was?

The mineral that was as valuable as gold in Africa was probably diamonds. Countries like Botswana, South Africa, and Angola are known for their diamond mines, which have been a major source of wealth and economic development in the region.

What were the two most valuable resource traded in Ghana?

gold and salt .

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What was just as valuable as gold in the Songhay Empire?


Why is gold more valuable than dirt?

It is more valuable than gold because there is a few amount of gold and more dirt. So it is easy to find dirt than it is to find gold. That is why gold is more valuable than dirt.

What are the two most valuable mineral in ancient Ghana?

Salt and gold.

What was the most valuable item of African trade?

salt, or gold 8)

What were the most valuable trade items in west Africa?

salt or gold