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well, it was unfair for them because at this time, most sharecroppers were former slaves that did not want to, or could not, go north or anywhere outside of the south, and as they needed jobs, they went back to the plantations, but got paid instead of working for free.

however, the landowners many times took advantage of the still racially discriminatory laws of the southern states (as states right were still the supreme authority in states; the feds couldn't intervene) and charged them incredibly high rents and such and didn't pay them enough for the crops that they grew on the land that they had rented and the sharecroppers plummeted further and further into debt and couldn't get out of it or leave their land without paying their dues, lest they be jailed and probably hung or lynched. as the debt accumulated, the sharecroppers were forced to work more and more and essentially, it became slavery once again under another

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Q: Why was sharecropping bad for sharecroppers?
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What were the key problems with the sharecropping system?

farmers had to pay cash rent as well as shares of crop

By 1880 nearly three quarters of black southerners became what?

They became tenant farmers and achieved minimum autonomy through sharecropping.

How did George Washington Carver get rid of slavery?

He did not get rid of slavery--that happened after the Civil War. What he did do was overcome growing up in a sharecropping family to become a renowned researcher and teacher at Tuskegee.

When did share croppers get their freedom?

Sharecropping existed throughout history and took place in many countries before the United States. It was very popular, however, when slavery was abolished and landowners needed farmhands and former slaves needed work.

How did the white landowners in the south reassert their economic power in the decade following the civil war?

The former slave owners would offer the slaves pieces of the plantation to live and work for a part of the profit. This was called sharecropping and it enabled the former slaves and their owners to both make money. The plantation owner couldn't farm the land by himself so deals were make to farm the land together. Poor whites also went in partners as sharecroppers with the land owners so as to survive. The north had devastated the southern land and survival was accomplished by sticking together and living off the land. Northern senators did everything to punish the south so money was scarce to re building. It took the south about 40 years to get back on her feet.1 year ago

Related questions

An advantage of sharecropping over slavery was?

An advantage of sharecropping over slavery was that sharecroppers had more independence and autonomy in their work. While still facing challenges, sharecroppers had the opportunity to negotiate terms and potentially earn a share of the profits from their labor.

What African American woman did Lithographs of Sharecroppers and Two Generations?

why did farmers become sharecroppers sharecropping offered a measure of independance

Why did the plan of sharecropping seem to be a good idea for both the landowners and the sharecroppers?

heath is dumbbbbbbbbbb\

What are the sharecropping?

Sharecroppers use land not owned by them, but they have a deal with the land owner to share the crop that is produced.

What the sharecropping?

Sharecroppers use land not owned by them, but they have a deal with the land owner to share the crop that is produced.

Who benefited least from the sharecropping arrangement?

Sharecropping benefited both the workers and the owners. Sharecropping involved tenants farming land that is owned by someone else in return for a share of the crops.

Were former slaves the only ones who were sharecroppers?

No, former slaves were not the only ones who were sharecroppers. Sharecropping system also involved poor white farmers who did not have land of their own and worked on a share basis for landowners. Sharecropping was a widespread system in the American South after the Civil War.

What economic effects did sharecropping have?

The major effect that sharecropping had was enriching the landowners. Sharecroppers themselves rarely made more than the barest of profits and often did not make enough to subsist.

Was sharecropping successful?

Sharecropping was not ultimately successful for the majority of sharecroppers, as they often found themselves trapped in cycles of debt and poverty due to unfair contracts and low crop yields. Sharecroppers typically did not own the land they worked on and had little control over their economic circumstances. Ultimately, sharecropping perpetuated a system of economic exploitation and limited social mobility for those involved.

What was possibly true about contracts between landowners and sharecroppers?

Sharecropping contracts typically favored the landowners, often resulting in unfair terms for the sharecroppers. Landowners controlled the land, tools, and supplies, ultimately keeping a significant portion of the crops produced by sharecroppers. Sharecroppers were often left with very little profit or autonomy.

What is one reason that freedmen became sharecroppers?

Freedmen often resorted to sharecropping due to limited access to land and resources after being emancipated. Sharecropping provided them with a way to earn a living when they had little else to start with.

Did sharecroppers have a fair chance to get ahead economically?

Following emancipation,sharecropping came to be an economic arrangement that kept the status quo between blacks and whites