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Q: Why was the Declaration of Independence started that governments formed?
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The Declaration of Independence stated that governments were formed to?

he Declaration of Independence stated that governments were formed for many reasons. These governments were meant to stand up against the British.

What was formed after the declaration of independence?

the articles of confederation

What document initaly formed the US?

Declaration of Independence

What document formed the basis for the ideas of the declaration of the rights of man?

The U.S. Declaration of Independence

Who signed the declaration of independence and formed Americas first government?

Thomas Jefferson wrote and signed the Declaration of Independece.

What type of support did the Declaration of Independence have among the people?

The Declaration of Independence gave the people a great amount of support. This support came from the unity that was formed among the people.

How is the declaration's idea about why governments are formed still important to our country today?

According to the Declaration of Independence, governments are formed in order to protect the "natural rights" of the people (in the D of I these were listed as "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"). This is still important to citizens of the United States today because the goal of a government should STILL be to protect those rights--not to enrich its members, or to gain international power, or to promote mercantile enterprises.

Who was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence for the country that was formed in 1948 by a United Nations decree?

David Ben-Gurion

What happened on 1776?

One of the many things that happened that year was that America was officially formed, having formally gained its independence from Britain, after signing the Declaration of Independence.

What was the declaration of indpendence used for?

U.S goverment laws and what laws are formed around

Where was George Washington when the Declaration of Independence was signed?

Prior to its work on the Declaration of Independence, the Second Continental Congress included Washington as a congressman from Virginia. But he resigned his position as a delegate when Congress formed the Continental Army and appointed him commanding general on June 14, 1775. So he was unavailable to participate, or to sign the Declaration.

How is a government like a contract between two people?

The people are bound by laws or The Constitution. The Declaration of Independence states that; "Governments are instituted (created, formed) among Men, deriving (receiving, acquiring, given) their just powers from the consent ( permission, agreement, contraction) of the governed." It is an assured expectation between two parties, with evident demonstration.