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IT was used because the axe head chopping was slow and painful so, Dr Guillotine suggested that they should use a mechanism which is fast and none painful.

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Q: Why was the Guillotine in use during the Terror?
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Related questions

What became the symbol of the reign of terror?

the guillotine because it was used so often during the reign of terror and most of all the Great terror, which occurred during the reign of terror

What weapon killed thousands of people during the reign of terror?


What instrument used to conduct executions during the Reign of Terror?

The Guillotine

What was used to execute people during French Revolution's Reign of terror?

The guillotine.

Who or what was a symbol of terror during the French Revolution?

The who would be Maximilien Robespierre. The what would have to be the guillotine.

Who was safe from the guillotine?

No one. It did not discriminate by age, sex or social statusw.

How much was the guillotine used during the terror?

It was used a lot, pretty much all the time. It was the main weapon they used for executing people during the reign of terror.

What execution method was popular during the reign of terror?

chopping off the head via guillotine.

What is the decapitation device that used during the French Revolution?

Guillotine. It would cut off the heads of the victims, during the Reign of Terror. Certain people thought it was more humane than the old way of killing people [hangings, or beheadings with axe's]. It's believed that even after you were beheaded by the guillotine you could still live up to 30 seconds.

Symbol of reign of terror?

The guillotine.

What happened to Madame du Barry the Mistress of Louis XV?

She was executed during the Reign of Terror by guillotine.

What year was the guillotine used the most?

During the Reign of Terror between 1793 and 1794.