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chopping off the head via guillotine.

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Q: What execution method was popular during the reign of terror?
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Guillotine and Reign of Terror?

It was the chosen method of execution.

Robespierre's execution during the French Revolution marked the end of?

The Reign of Terror

What execution method was used most in the french revolution?

The Guillotine was used during the french revolution.The device is noted for long being the main method of execution in France and, more particularly, for its use during the French Revolution, when it "became a part of popular culture, celebrated as the people's avenger by supporters of the Revolution and vilified as the pre-eminent symbol of the Reign of Terror by opponents

The Reign of Terror was ended by?

The execution of Robespierre.

Robespierre's execution marked an end of?

the Reign of Terror

Who was in charge of the reign of terror and what organization governed the suspicion and execution?

Who was in charge of the Reign of Terror? - Maximilien Robespierre.What organization governed the suspicion and execution? - Committee for Public Safety

The Reign of Terror ended with?

The execution of Maximilien Robespierre and his cronies.

What is the mechanism of the terror of the French Revolution?

The public execution using the guillotine.

What was the historical event that occurred during 1794?

The main historical event was in France, where 1794 witnessed the fall and execution of Robbespierre and the end of the period known as 'the reign of terror'.

What device was created to behead people more efficiently during the reign of terror?

The device created specifically for beheading people more efficiently during the Reign of Terror was the guillotine. It was a mechanical apparatus that used a sharp blade to swiftly decapitate individuals. The guillotine was designed to be quick, humane (compared to previous execution methods), and widely adopted during the French Revolution.

The reign of terror during the French Revolution led to the?

A) Execution of Thousands of People Suspected of Treason The Reign of Terror during the French Revolution led to the execution of thousands of people suspected of treason. The French Revolutionary Government (1793-1794) tried to protect the Revolution against domestic enemies. It arrested thousands of suspected enemies of the Revolution for treason, and either imprisoned or executed the suspects. The French Revolutionary Government executed both the king and queen of France. for plato users the answer is (A)

The Reign of Terror during the French Revolution led to the .?

A) Execution of Thousands of People Suspected of Treason The Reign of Terror during the French Revolution led to the execution of thousands of people suspected of treason. The French Revolutionary Government (1793-1794) tried to protect the Revolution against domestic enemies. It arrested thousands of suspected enemies of the Revolution for treason, and either imprisoned or executed the suspects. The French Revolutionary Government executed both the king and queen of France. for plato users the answer is (A)