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The Guillotine was used during the French Revolution.The device is noted for long being the main method of execution in France and, more particularly, for its use during the French Revolution, when it "became a part of popular culture, celebrated as the people's avenger by supporters of the Revolution and vilified as the pre-eminent symbol of the Reign of Terror by opponents

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The French revolutionaries executed people by beheading them with a guillotine.

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It was the use of the guillotine to chop off heads.

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Q: What execution method was used most in the french revolution?
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When was the gillotine last used?

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What was the device used to execute people during the French revolution?

A Guillotine is used to execute people during the French Revolution. It was named after a French doctor GuillotineThe "guillotine" (feminine noun) was the device to behead people during the French revolution.It is named after the man who proposed the adoption of the device to the National Assembly, the doctor Guillotin. In link are several related questions.The guillotine, sometimes called the National Razor which carried out the death sentence in the twinkling of an eye.Guillotine. Named after the Doctor that invented it to reduce suffering of the condemned.