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Q: Why was the Nazi party more popular when Hitler came out of jail?
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What is the Hitler party which came into power in 1933 known as?

He was the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi Party).

Nazi party coming to power?

The reason why they came to power was because Hitler the Nazi party leader had said he could solve all of Germany's problems in the way the people would believe him.

Who came to power in Germany in 1933?

The National Socialist German Worker's Party, also known as the Nazi Party took over the German government in 1933. The head of the party, or Fuehrer, was Adolph Hitler.

What does the letters in nazi satnd for?

It came from the German pronunciation of National in "National Socialist German Worker's Party", the political party that Hitler lead when he became Chancellor.

When in 1933 was Hitler voted into office?

Hitler became chancellor in 1933 as leader of the Nazi party. This was also the year Nazi party came to power and 'burnt the books' to prevent any other parties gaining power. Later on that year he became leader of the Nazi party.

Did Nazi party policies help Hitler rise to power?

No. Hitler came to power primarily on account of the fact that Hitler claimed that he could turn the German economy around. Once in power, he implemented the policies of the Nazi Party which served to improve the economic situation for many Germans, but at the cost of millions of lives that were slaughtered.

Political party in Germany that proclamied that aryanes were a master race?

Nazi said the Aryans were the master race, but there is NO Aryans race. This is an idea that came out of the head of Hitler and Himmler. An Aryan race has NEVER existed.

What is the term Nazi mean?

The term Nazi is a shortened version of National Socialist German Workers Party, the name of the political party led by Adolph Hitler in Germany which came to power in the early 1930s. It has since been used as a derogatory term for someone with an authoritarian attitude.

How Hitler came to power?

Hitler joined what is commonly known as the Nazi Party in 1919. This thrust into the political scene is what is generally known as the beginning of his ascent into power. During his early years in the Nazi Party he used his charisma to dictate that he was made speaker in this Anti-Marxist, Anti-Semitic Party. Often he did this with violence, threats of violence, or by claiming he would leave the party if he was not given the position he wanted. Eventually he became leader of the Nazi Party.

How Hitler came to be a dictator?

He became a nazi first

When did Hitler and the Nazi party came to power Germany but when?

Adolf Hitler and nasi party came into power in Germany after the time of "great depression" in Germany. On the morning of 30 January 1933, in Hindenburg's office, Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor during what some observers later described as a brief and simple ceremony.