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Q: Why was the US interested in exploring land west of the bounderies?
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What is the north boundaries in Manitoba?

the bounderies are north,south,east,and west

What are the bounderies of Asia?

Europe on the west, Africa on the southwest, Australia on the south, and North America on the east.

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Trappers and mountain men were instrumental in exploring and settling the land west of the Mississippi. They had survival skills, and taught them to the new inhabitants of the Wild West.

What event sparked leifs interest in exploring a new land?

Leif Eriksson's interest in exploring a new land was sparked when he heard about the discovery of a new region to the west of Greenland by Bjarni Herjolfsson. This news intrigued Leif and led him to organize an expedition to find this new land, resulting in his discovery of Vinland (believed to be present-day Newfoundland in Canada).

Why would settlers be interested in moving west?

Because the land was advertised to be free. Also, they were interested in getting started on a carte blanche, away from the crowded areas with traditional stress etc.

What was Leif Ericson's motivation for exploring?

Leif Ericson's motivation for exploring was driven by a desire to seek new lands for settlement, trade, and further expansion of his community. He was also likely influenced by stories of other Norse explorers and the potential for wealth and resources in undiscovered territories.

Why was the voyage of Louis and Clark after the Louisiana Purchase so important?

The Lewis and Clark expeditions were vital for exploring the land the country had just purchased. No one was willing to settle out west until the land had been surveyed for potential dangers.

Why did Henry Hudson keep on exploring?

The north west passage.

Why does the Town of Westville in Nova Scotia Canada have Baile an lar written underneath the word Westville at the approach to the Town bounderies Does it mean Westville in Gaelic?

Baile an Iar means West Town / Town of the West

Why was China Traditionally not interested in trading with the west?

China was Traditionally not interested in trading with the west because it was self-sufficient.

Was China traditionally not interested in trading with the West?

China was Traditionally not interested in trading with the west because it was self-sufficient.

Where was leif ericson exploring?

He sailed west from Greenland to North America.