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The telegraph line helped significantly and the railroad was very successful due to the fact that it had three lines. Land grants made the custruslction of new telegraph linea and the railroad possible.

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Q: Why was the construction of the transcontinental railroad successful-?
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What made the construction of transcontinental railroad successful?

One of the main things that made the construction the First Transcontinental Railroad successful was Chinese labor. Many Chinese immigrants came to the US looking for jobs, and they were willing to work for lower wages than American workers.

What was the transcontinental railroad act?

The Transcontinental Railroad Acts, also known as the Pacific Railroad acts, were acts passed in the early 1860s to encourage the construction of the transcontinental railroad. Construction was incentivized by giving land and bonds to the railroad companies.

Construction on the first transcontinental railroad began in?


Why did the government support the construction of the Transcontinental railroad?

Troop movement

How was the transcontinental railroad financed?

The transcontinental railroads was financed by the Railway Act of 1863, which financed the construction of the railroad through loans and land grants.

The first transcontinental railroad in the united states was completed in?

The construction of the First Transcontinental Railroad started in 1863 and was finished in 1869. When it was first completed, it was known as the Pacific Railroad.

Which act provide for the construction of the transcontinental railroad?

Pacific Railway Act.

What was the law that provided financial guarantees that assured the construction of the transcontinental railroad?

Pacific Railroad Act of 1862.

Which groups provided most of the labor for the construction of the transcontinental railroad?

The Irish & the Chinese.

What was one of the biggest disagreements over the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad?

Whether the railroad would start in the North or South.

What happened in the Credit Mobilier scandal?

Illegal manipulations were made in the construction of the transcontinental railroad.

Why was the construction of the transcontinental railroad successful?

who cares aout the answer thats why they have teachers