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Q: Why was the crime of witchcraft so difficult to rule on for the courts?
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Can you accidentally put a curse on yourself by playing with witchcraft?

Cursing yourself is difficult, but not impossible. More likely however is the enactment of the Rule of Three, which states "That which you send out will return to you threefold." So if you play at witchcraft and try cursing or ill wishing someone, it will rebound on you, seeming like you have cursed yourself, which in essence is what you have done.

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Yes, that is why the court is "supreme."

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courts apply the laws and rule about rights and restrictions

What do the courts decide on?

That it was a separate district and Georgia had no rule

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Is worshiping Nyx considered witchcraft?

Worshiping Nyx is not considered Witchcraft alone. You are simply worshiping Nyx. If you wish to practice witchcraft research it before aligning yourself with any deities (i.e. Gods/Goddesses). Witchcraft is not particularly a religion and therefore the worship of Gods and Goddesses is not a rule/must, but many Witches do honor their deities.

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if you cant do the time ,dont do the crime

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It depends on where you live

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The hierarchy rule refers to offenses perpetrated by a criminal. The rule states that the law enforcement agent has to find the offense that is highest on the list and charge the criminal with that crime and ignore the others.

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it would be difficult because he is a big ruler

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Does China follow the rule of law in China?

No. China is a communist dictatorship. China does have courts but, from the outside, it is not clear that these courts are independent of the party and therefore the justice system can not be said to be objectively fair to all citizens. This being the case there can be no rule of law. Ask yourself could the courts reprimand the party?