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Bronze allowed for the making tools and tools allowed for the construction of buildings, tombs, and weapons. It was a major movement towards the ability to create a society.

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Q: Why was the discovery of bronze important to early civiliations?
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Why was the discovery of bronze important to early. Civilization?

Bronze could be used to make stronger tools and weapons.

Why was the discovery bronze important to the early civilizations?

Bronze could be used to make stronger tools and weapons.

What is the name of an important early discovery which is useful still now?

Depends how early you mean, but the discovery of fire was the first very important discovery for man, then their was the wheel, and also agriculture.

Why is bronze important?

bronze is important because it also helped make weapons in the early civilizations and to day it helps wire electronics and other things using electricity

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bronze came from south and east asia. bronze came from south and east asia.

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The marble figurines from the Early Bronze Age have been found on the Cyclades islands.

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