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Q: Why was the discovery of the element germanium so important?
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Why was the discovery of germanium important for Mendeleev's table?

Because he manged to predict it being there so he was proved right and proved a genius!

What is the normal phase of the element germanium?

the word phase also means its state so in that case germanium's normal phase or state is solid the word phase also means its state so in that case germanium's normal phase or state is solid the word phase also means its state so in that case germanium's normal phase or state is solid

What element has 24 protons and 32 neutrons?

It is one of the isotopes of Germanium, the 3rd member of carbon family (group14).

What element has only three more electrons than germanium?

The element that has three more electrons than a neutral germanium atom is bromine. You can determine this by the atomic number. The atomic number of an element is the number of protons in the nuclei of its atoms. In a neutral atom, this is also the number of electrons. So, the atomic number of germanium is 32, so its neutral atoms contain 32 protons and 32 electrons. Move to the right three more elements, and you get bromine with an atomic number of 35, so its neutral atoms contain 35 protons and electrons.

Who discovered germanium?

In mid-1885, at a mine near Freiberg, Saxony, a new mineral was discovered and named argyrodite because of the high silver content. The chemist Clemens Winkler analyzed this new mineral, which proved to be a combination of silver, sulfur, and a new element. Winkler was able to isolate the new element in 1886 and found it similar to antimony. Before Winkler published his results on the new element, he decided that he would name his element neptunium, since the recent discovery of planet Neptune in 1846 had been preceded by mathematical predictions of its existence. However, the name "neptunium" had already been given to another proposed chemical element (though not the element that today bears the name neptunium, which was discovered in 1940). So instead, Winkler named the new element germanium (from the Latin word, Germania, for Germany) in honor of his homeland.

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Why was the discovery of germanium important for Mendeleev's table?

Because he manged to predict it being there so he was proved right and proved a genius!

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What is the normal phase of the element germanium?

the word phase also means its state so in that case germanium's normal phase or state is solid the word phase also means its state so in that case germanium's normal phase or state is solid the word phase also means its state so in that case germanium's normal phase or state is solid

What is ge germanium used for?

An Important Use Of Germanium Is That It's A Semi-Conductor (Semiconductor.) A Semi-Conductor Will Only Conduct Things, Such As Heat, So Well, And Only So Many Of Times You Try.

What element has 24 protons and 32 neutrons?

It is one of the isotopes of Germanium, the 3rd member of carbon family (group14).

What element has only three more electrons than germanium?

The element that has three more electrons than a neutral germanium atom is bromine. You can determine this by the atomic number. The atomic number of an element is the number of protons in the nuclei of its atoms. In a neutral atom, this is also the number of electrons. So, the atomic number of germanium is 32, so its neutral atoms contain 32 protons and 32 electrons. Move to the right three more elements, and you get bromine with an atomic number of 35, so its neutral atoms contain 35 protons and electrons.

What is the configuration for germanium?

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d8 5s2 4p2 Edit by Dr.J. How can this have 5s2 electrons? This configuration is incorrect. Germanium is a p-block element and so has 4p valence electrons, not 5s.

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Who discovered germanium?

In mid-1885, at a mine near Freiberg, Saxony, a new mineral was discovered and named argyrodite because of the high silver content. The chemist Clemens Winkler analyzed this new mineral, which proved to be a combination of silver, sulfur, and a new element. Winkler was able to isolate the new element in 1886 and found it similar to antimony. Before Winkler published his results on the new element, he decided that he would name his element neptunium, since the recent discovery of planet Neptune in 1846 had been preceded by mathematical predictions of its existence. However, the name "neptunium" had already been given to another proposed chemical element (though not the element that today bears the name neptunium, which was discovered in 1940). So instead, Winkler named the new element germanium (from the Latin word, Germania, for Germany) in honor of his homeland.

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